Signature Offers!

Signature Offers.

Signature offers make your life easier and more efficient. Rather than you doing the work, I do it.

Signature offers are one-time purchases. You can purchase a monthly retainer or chunks of time if you need regular services.

Inbox detox. Price: £30.00 for 2 hours.

Inbox organization, deleting old emails, and prioritizing essential emails. For easier email management, create filters and labels. Lastly, I will pay attention to your deadlines and prioritize your most urgent tasks.


  • Inbox clean up.
  • Unsubscribe from unwanted emails.
  • Creation of labels.

    Email management. Price: £30.00 for 2 hours.

    Need help with your inbox? Manage your emails and prioritize your most important ones.


    • Archiving old emails.
    • Folders created.
    • Prioritizing high-priority emails.

      Data entry. Price: £30.00 for 2 hours.

      Prepare spreadsheets and databases with the necessary information. Ensure all information is accurate and consistent, and correct any errors immediately.


      • Updating spreadsheets and databases.
      • Input data.
      • Making information accurate.

      Administrative tasks. Price: £30.00 for 2 hours.

      Routine administrative tasks. It can help you focus on more important tasks if you outsource them to me.


      • Scheduling appointments.
      • Organizing files and documents.
      • Services on my website.

      To purchase a debit card for the above signature offers, click here:

      Any additional work beyond the initial services above will incur a £10.00 per hour charge. I will email you a link to pay.

      Email management.

      I will respond to emails throughout the day using your email templates. I will also prioritize emails, responding to the urgent ones first. Emails that are not needed will be deleted or archived.


      Each additional email will cost £3.00. I will send you a payment link.

      Signature offers are one-time purchases.

      Payment in advance is required.