All Signature Offers and Monthly Retainers are half-price from the 1st of February 2025 till the 31st of March 2025.
Signature Offers!
Now only £15.00 for 2 hours of any signature offer. These are a one-time purchase.
Inbox Detox: Includes inbox cleanup, unsubscription from unwanted emails, and label creation.
Email Management: Includes archiving old emails, creating folders, and prioritizing high-priority emails.
Data Entry: Includes updating spreadsheets and databases, inputting data, and making information accurate.
Administrative Tasks: These include scheduling appointments, scheduling newsletters, organizing files and documents, and providing services on my website.
To purchase a debit card for Signature Services, click on this link.
Responding to emails daily, weekly and monthly:
Twenty-five emails a day @ £15.00 to purchase; click on this link.
Seventy-five weekly emails @ £25.00 to purchase; click on this link.
Five hundred emails a month @ £40.00 to purchase; click on this link.
Monthly Retainers!
Debit cards are valid for one month from the date of purchase.
Social Media Posts now £60.00. Includes four blog posts a month (provided by yourself), proofreading each post, two images and five keywords (provided by yourself), and scheduling on three social media platforms of your choice using your scheduling app.
To purchase a social media debit card, click this link.
Inbox Management is now £150.00. Includes checking your inbox twice daily (Monday-Friday), organizing your emails, marking urgent emails as a priority, responding to general emails (template provided by yourself), and cleaning up your inbox.
To purchase a debit card for inbox management, click this link.
Email Marketing/Newsletters now £75.00. Includes setting up an email marketing account with Mailchimp, Mailerlite, etc., keeping the subscriber list up-to-date, formatting and publishing your newsletter on time (content and images provided), and scheduling emails to go out (content provided by yourself).
Click this link to purchase a debit card for email marketing/newsletters.
*Payment in advance is required.
*All debit cards are non-refundable.
*Toggl is used for tracking time.