

My pricing approach is straightforward.

  1. £45 an hour for my services available in 10-hour chunks.
  2. £55 an hour for my services available in 5-hour chunks.
  3. £65 for hours booked individually.

These are available as Outlaw Girl Services Virtual Debit Cards.

  • A purchase is made up-front based on what you want.
  • Your time can be used however you like and at the pace that suits you best.
  • You can use each chunk for one year from the date of purchase.
  • Contracts and monthly minimums are not required!

Debit cards are non-refundable.

Our first step will be to schedule a 30-minute discovery call to assess your needs.

My Policies can be found here:

Policies button

Please purchase your time below once we’ve decided to work together.